Modern-day Mystic

Location: Fredericksburg, Texas, United States

Thursday, October 26, 2006


I'm finding myself in a story
larger than any I ever dreamed
living alongside heroes
I have never seen

I've joined on the path
of those whose faith
has gone before
Men and women, a countless score

These characters are living
with words to say
that echo back
a millenium or more

Yet I am also learning
I have another role to fill
It is my voice, used for another
whose story I must tell

To the generations that follow
that they must truly hear
the message that has never changed
"The Kingdom of God is near."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Leaving Home

I left my home
not believing I could not come back

They are my true family
even closer than blood

It's where I was born
where I lived
where I grew

part of me still wants to say
"It can't be true"

Yet part of growing up
is learning to let go

So I'll cherish the memories
made along the way
and treausre the lessons
so many gave to me

I'll look back with a smile
and forward with the faith
that was the inheritence
they left to me.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Gone fishing

Reading the story of Jesus calling his disciples in Luke 5 has brought some interesting thoughts to mind.

When we catch men do we use a single line hoping they will take the bait. Do we sit there passively waiting for them to come to use? Or do we cast the widest net in the boat, trying to catch whatever is within reach?

I don't know much about fishing, but I do know that when you use a line you set the hook with a particular bait if you are trying to catch a specific type of fish. Unfortunately I see most Christians (myself included) doing this type of fishing, we have one lure in our tackle box because we are only wanting to reel in one type of believer.

It is interesting to note that water in the Bible often symbolizes chaos and remains the domain of mysterious sea monsters, and that it is this parallel that Jesus chooses to use for his fishermen followers. The world is equally perilous. And it is from this chaos that Jesus commands us to draw people out of.

The disciples try an excuse, "Lord, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything." But their faith comes quickly to the surface, "But if you say so we will." And they brought up nets that broke under the catch. The same abundance is promised to us. If we cast our nets in our own power we will continue to draw up empty nets, working ourselves into exhaustion. But if we allow Jesus to bless our attempts the nets will break.

I wonder if we will respond like Peter did, "Lord, go away from me, for I am a sinful man." We will see ourselves in relationship to Jesus and hopefully that recognition will compel us into a life of faithful obedience, a willingness to lay down our nets and follow wherever he leads.

So I think I'm gonna go fishin' what about you?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

At His Feet

At His feet the path begins
Ever winds around the bend
Circles back across the sea
Cutting through the mountain lee
Disappears in desert wastes
Lost in vast and open space
Wanders through the valley deeps
Into dark and aging keeps
But for every where the path may led
At His feet the pathway ends.
- May 19th, 2006

I was looking through some of my old poetry and short stories and stumbled across this. I thought it was fitting to share now.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The waves growing higher
the winds at their worst
the maelstrom rages
as rainclouds burst

the boat starts sinking
the ship's going down
just a minute longer
I know I will drown

Jesus appearing
on the crest of the wave
He stands assuredly
and beckons me to the same

I'm not all that brave
and not all that sure
"Lord, if it really is,
call me to you."

I step out once
hesitating again
I walk on the water
then stare at the wind

Though I go under
the water and waves
I know I'm held
in the arms of grace

and he won't let me drown.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Desert

Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the desert
and speak tenderly to her....

"In that day", declares the LORD,
"You will call me 'my husband' ...

I will betroth you to me forever;
I will betroth you in righteousness and justice,
in love and compassion.
I will betroth you in faithfulness
and you will acknowledge the LORD.

- Hosea 2: 14, 16, & 19

The desert is not a very romantic place to court a woman, but the desert is used by God repeatedly in Scripture. He leads a person or a people into the desert to speak to their hearts. He leads them away from every other distraction the world has to offer so they may hear his voice and respond. He led the Israelites out of Egypt, away from the luxury and the gods of their old lives so they could be called his people. He led most of the prophets out into the desert, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Elijah and Elisha. He even led his own Beloved Son, into the desert before his ministry began.

Why does the Church think she will be any different? In the passage above God promises to led her into the desert so that she will know his love, he will speak tenderly to her. Before she can be the Bride of Christ the Church must allow herself to be led out into the desert. She must learn to hear the voice of her bridegroom in the silence so that when she is returned to the world she can hear it over everything else, even if it is the softest whisper.

I believe it is time for the Church to move into the desert. It is time for us to let the LORD allure us unto himself. That he would call us "My Beloved People."

Friday, October 06, 2006

Remove the Veil

Remove the veil
that hides her face
let her see you
in all your loving grace

Remove the veil
so all the world may see
the beauty of the Bride
a blessed purity

Remove the veil
so you may see
the Church you ransomed
from captivity

Remove the veil
that your Bride might be revealed.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


words piling up
choking from the inside

hands of fury reaching
strangling from the outside

the words must come
but they must not

a river of power welling up
with no outlet

they break forth

the waves pound
and then subside

leaving me an empty reservoir
ready for more.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Groom Waits

The Bride has AIDS
and so the groom waits
for her to be healed
by his free grace

The Bride is a whore
and so the groom waits
for her to return
to her first love

The Bride is not dressed
and so the groom waits
for her to be clothed
in a robe of his own

The Bride is not crowned
and so the groom waits
for her to come beside him
and take her place

The Bride is not ready
and still the groom waits.